Sjoerd W. Rienstra

    Aeroacoustically related digital and analogue movies
    Analytical models of various kind:
    Diffraction and vortex shedding
    Slowly varying duct modes
    Greens function in flow duct
    Duct modes at junction
    Iris problem of modes in duct
    Monopole source in free shear flow
    Monopole source in shear flow along hard wall
    Monopole source in shear flow along soft wall
    Slowly varying shear modes. Flat bottom duct
    Tracing lined duct modes and surface waves.
    Cremer's optimum visualised.
    The Poldervaart movies
    (Jnl. of Fluid Mechanics, 78, pp 859-860, 1976):

    Sound pulse-free jet interaction
    Modes of vibration of under-expanded free jet
    Jet screech of under-expanded free jet
    Acoustic interaction of two jets

    Links to lectures related pages
    2MMA30 - 2WAK0
    2DME30 Basic Maple

    The problem of galloping overhead transmission lines
    The Rugged Reality (wmv-clip from the film "Galopperen in Limburg", courtesy of ESSENT, Maastricht)

    Sketch of a turbofan aero-engine

    Latex macro version 5.8 for The Semware® Editor TSE, the best adaptable text editor for Windows.
    Handbook of Mathematical Functions. Abramowitz and Stegun Online!
    CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physic. The Rubber Bible Online!
    A short summary of digital photography basics
    How to pronounce "Christiaan Huygens" and "Antoni van Leeuwenhoek". For the interested.
    A little-known curiosity about degrees.

    Publications, reports, courses and lectures

    Method of Characteristics for transient, planar, cylindrical flows, Alan E. Vardy, Sjoerd W. Rienstra, Honglin Wang.
    Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 130, June 2024, Pages 852-873 (Open Access). DOI:


    Contribution to the special JSV issue in memory of Shôn Ffowcs Williams (section 2.13: Shôn Ffowcs Williams and Eindhoven) Sjoerd Rienstra and Avraham Hirschberg.
    Edited by Maria Heckl, Lixi Huang, and Ricardo E. Musafir, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 553, 9 June 2023, 117685. DOI:

    A class of cylindrically symmetric exact solutions of the wave equation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 545, 17 February 2023, 117430. DOI:


    Acoustic Energy Balances for Sound Radiated from Duct Exit with Mean Flow, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, Volume 21, Issue 5-7, p.410-429, 17 September 2022 (minor typo in eq. 4). DOI: .  Matlab-routines with implementation of theory presented in present article.


    Slowly Varying Modes in a 2D Duct with Shear Flow and Lined Walls, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 906, 10 January 2021, A23 (Open Access), DOI: .  How to get from (4.11) to (4.12).

    An Introduction To Acoustics (corrections), Further updated version (Jan 2012) of Report IWDE 01-03 May 2001, S.W. Rienstra & A. Hirschberg (extended and revised version of IWDE 92-06)


    An accurate and efficient computational method for time-domain aeroacoustic scattering, Zhao-Huan Wang, Sjoerd W. Rienstra, Chuan-Xing Bi and Barry Koren, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 412, 1 July 2020, 109442.

    Numerical and Asymptotic Solutions of the Pridmore-Brown Equation, AIAA Journal, Vol. 58, No. 7 (2020), pp. 3001-3018, DOI:, (errata).    Matlab-routines to solve and check Pridmore-Brown equations, based on present article.


    Solutions and Properties of the Pridmore-Brown Equation, paper AIAA-2019-2594 of the 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Delft, 2019.

    An Analytical Derivation of Ice-Shelf Basal Melt Based on the Dynamics of Meltwater Plumes, Werner M.J. Lazeroms, Adrian. Jenkins, Sjoerd W. Rienstra, Roderik S.W. van de Wal. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 49, Issue 4, April 2019, pp. 917-939, DOI:


    Review of "Aeroacoustics of low Mach number flows: Fundamentals, Analysis and Measurement, by Stewart Glegg and William Devenport". Sjoerd W. Rienstra, Pieter Sijtsma, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 431, 29 September 2018, Pages 462-464

    Lecture notes on Modelling and Perturbation Methods

    Lecture notes on Complex Analysis, Fourier Analysis and Asymptotic Analysis of Integrals (version 2024-11-19)

    Nonlinear Asymptotic Impedance Model for a Helmholtz Resonator of Finite Depth, Sjoerd W. Rienstra and Deepesh Kumar Singh. AIAA Journal 56(5), May 2018, p.1792-1802


    An asymptotic model for non-linear Helmholtz resonator of finite depth, Sjoerd W. Rienstra and Deepesh Kumar Singh. AIAA-2016-2887, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, 2016

    Sound Propagation in Slowly Varying 2D Duct with Shear Flow, AIAA-2016-2925, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, 2016

    Interview met Wilbert IJzerman: Van technologie tot psychologie, Sjoerd Rienstra, Jan ten Thije Boonkkamp. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (NAW 5/17 nr. 1 maart 2016 15)

    Fundamentals of Duct Acoustics, VKI Lecture Series 2016-02. Notes of course "Progress in Simulation, Control and Reduction of Ventilation Noise", November 16-18, 2015. ISBN-13 978-2-87516-098-0.

    Efficient Mode-Matching Based on Closed Form Integrals of Pridmore-Brown Modes, M. Oppeneer, S.W. Rienstra and P. Sijtsma. AIAA Journal, volume 54, issue 1, 5 February 2016, p.266-279, DOI:


    Vortical Perturbations in Shear Flow, Scattered at a Hard Wall - Pressure Release Wall Transition, Sjoerd W. Rienstra and Deepesh Kumar Singh. Paper 1221 of the 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration ICSV22, 12-16 July 2015, Florence, Italy


    Hard wall - soft wall - vorticity scattering in shear flow, Sjoerd W. Rienstra and Deepesh Kumar Singh. AIAA 2014-3350, 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 16-20 June 2014, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

    Nonlinear Asymptotic Impedance Model for a Helmholtz Resonator Liner, Deepesh K. Singh, Sjoerd W. Rienstra. Journal of Sound and Vibration, volume 333, issue 15, 21 July 2014, p.3536-3549


    Interview met Ronald Prins: Zeerecht voor internet, Sjoerd Rienstra, Berry Schoenmakers. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (NAW 5/14 nr. 2 juni 2013 90)

    Efficient Mode-Matching Based on Closed Form Integrals of Pridmore-Brown Modes, M. Oppeneer, S.W. Rienstra, P. Sijtsma. AIAA 2013-2172, 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 27-29 May 2013, Berlin, Germany

    A Systematic Impedance Model for Non-Linear Helmholtz Resonator Liner, Deepesh Kumar Singh and Sjoerd W. Rienstra. AIAA 2013-2223, 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 27-29 May 2013, Berlin, Germany

    The trailing vorticity field behind a line source in two-dimensional incompressible linear shear flow, (correction), Sjoerd W. Rienstra, Mirela Darau and Edward J. Brambley. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, volume 720, p.618-636, 2013


    Recensie voor Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (NAW 5/13 nr. 2 juni 2012 117) European Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics

    The critical layer in linear-shear boundary layers over acoustic linings, E. J. Brambley, M. Darau and S. W. Rienstra. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, volume 710, p.545-568, 2012


    Book review of "Multiple Scales Theory and Aerospace Applications", by R. V. Ramnath, published in "The Aeronautical Journal", Vol.115 No. 1171 September 2011 p. 590-591.

    Acoustic modes in a duct with slowly varying impedance and non-uniform mean flow and temperature, M. Oppeneer, W.M.J. Lazeroms, S.W. Rienstra, R.M.M. Mattheij, P. Sijtsma. AIAA 2011-2871, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA

    The critical layer in sheared flow, E.J. Brambley, M. Darau and S.W. Rienstra. AIAA 2011-2806, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 6-8 June 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA

    Boundary Layer Thickness Effects of the Hydrodynamic Instability along an Impedance Wall, Sjoerd W. Rienstra and Mirela Darau. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, volume 671, p.559-573, 2011

    Je hebt wiskundigen en wiskundigen, Liber Amicorum Bob Mattheij 2011


    Sound Radiation from a Lined Exhaust Duct with Lined Afterbody, Ahmet Demir and Sjoerd Rienstra, paper AIAA-2010-3947 of the 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 7-9 June 2010, Stockholm, Sweden

    Mean Flow Boundary Layer Effects of Hydrodynamic Instability of Impedance Wall, S.W. Rienstra and M. Darau, IUTAM Symposium on Computational Aero-Acoustics for Aircraft Noise Prediction, 29-31 March 2010, Southampton, UK (final version)

    Intermodal Resonance of In-plane Free Vibrations of Suspended Cables, Paper RASD2010-106, 10th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, 12-14 July 2010, Southampton, UK


    Weakly nonlinear thermoacoustics for stacks with slowly varying pore cross-sections, by P.H.M.W. in 't Panhuis, S.W. Rienstra, J. Molenaar, J.J.M. Slot. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, volume 618, p.41-70, 2009


    Aeroacoustics research in Europe: The CEAS-ASC report on 2007 highlights, by H.H. Brouwer and S.W. Rienstra, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 318 (4-5), p.625-654, 2008

    Spatial Instability of Boundary Layer Along Impedance Wall, by Sjoerd W. Rienstra and Gregory G. Vilenski, Paper AIAA 2008-2932, 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-7 May 2008, The Westin Bayshore Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada

    Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities Occurring at a Nacelle Exhaust, by Julien Manera, Benoît Schiltz, Romain Leneveu, Stéphane Caro, Jonathan Jacqmot, and Sjoerd Rienstra, Paper AIAA 2008-2883, 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 5-7 May 2008, The Westin Bayshore Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada

    Sound Radiation from a Co-Planar and Buried Nozzle with Jet and Bypass Flow and Arbitrary Edge Condition, by A. Demir and S.W. Rienstra (preview).


    Acoustic Scattering at a Hard-Soft Lining Transition in a Flow Duct, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, volume 59(4), p.451-475, 2007, (the 2007 James Lighthill Memorial Paper).

    Numerical Study of Acoustic Modes in Ducted Shear Flow, by G.G. Vilenski and S.W. Rienstra, Journal of Sound and Vibration, volume 307(3-5), p.610-626, 2007.

    Sound Radiation from a Buried Nozzle with Jet and Bypass Flow, by A. Demir and S.W. Rienstra, presented as paper no. 449 at ICSV14, the Fourteenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Cairns, July 9-12, 2007.

    On Hydrodynamic and Acoustic Modes in a Ducted Shear Flow with Wall Lining, by G.G. Vilenski and S.W. Rienstra, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 583, 45-70, July 2007.

    Introduction to Aeroacoustics, chapter in Large-Eddy Simulation for Acoustics (edited by Claus Wagner, Thomas Huttl, Pierre Sagaut), by A. Hirschberg and S.W Rienstra, Cambridge University Press 2007

    On the bidirectional vortex and other similarity solutions in spherical coordinates, by Joseph Majdalani and Sjoerd W. Rienstra, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), Volume 58, Number 2 / March, 2007, p.289-308 (electronic version: September 2006).

    In Geen Jaar Ingenieur, Liber Amicorum Jan de Graaf 2007


    Sound Radiation from an Annular Duct with Jet Flow and a Lined Centerbody (corr.), by A. Demir and S.W. Rienstra, AIAA 2006-2718 of the 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, 8-10 May 2006.

    Impedance Models in Time Domain, including the Extended Helmholtz Resonator Model, (correction), AIAA 2006-2686 of the 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, 8-10 May 2006.


    Partial Differential Equations: Modeling, Analysis, Computation, by R.M.M. Mattheij, S.W. Rienstra, J.H.M. ten Thije Boonkkamp,
    SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), Philadelphia. November 2005 / xxxiv + 665 pages / Softcover / ISBN 0-89871-594-6

    Acoustic Modes in a Ducted Shear Flow, by G.G. Vilenski and S.W. Rienstra, AIAA 2005-3024 of the 11th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Monterey, CA, 23-25 May 2005.
    CASA report 2005 no. 25

    An Analytic Green's Function for a Lined Circular Duct Containing Uniform Mean Flow, by S.W. Rienstra and B.J. Tester, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 317, 2008, pp. 994-1016. (Corrected version of AIAA 2005-3020 of the 11th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Monterey, CA, 23-25 May 2005.)

    Modal Scattering at an Impedance Transition in a Lined Flow Duct, S.W. Rienstra and N. Peake, AIAA 2005-2852 of the 11th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Monterey, CA, 23-25 May 2005.
    CASA report 2005 no. 24

    Impedance Models in Time Domain , CASA report 2005 no. 11

    Free Vibrations of Coupled Spans of Overhead Transmission Lines Journal of Engineering Mathematics, volume 53 (3-4) 2005, p. 337-348


    An Introduction To Aeroacoustics, A. Hirschberg and S.W. Rienstra, July 2004

    Mode-matching Strategies in Slowly Varying Engine Ducts by N.C. Ovenden & S.W. Rienstra, AIAA Journal, 42 (9), 2004, 1832-1840. (originally presented at 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 12-14 May 2003, Hilton Head, South Carolina as paperno. AIAA 2003-3139).

    Cut-on Cut-off Transition in Flow Ducts: Comparing Multiple-scales and Finite-element Solutions, by N.C. Ovenden, W. Eversman, S.W. Rienstra, AIAA 2004-2945 of the 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Manchester, UK, 10-12 May 2004.


    Sound Propagation In Slowly Varying Lined Flow Ducts Of Arbitrary Cross Section, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 495, p.157-173, 2003. (correction)

    An Accelerated Coupled Feed-Radiator-Frequency Selective Surface Model for the Next Generation Active Phased Array Systems in E. Brookner , Proc. Int. Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology (pp. 470-475) Boston, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2003, by B.J. Morsink, G.H.C. van Werkhoven, A.G. Tijhuis, S.W. Rienstra.


    In-Duct Matching Strategies, by N.C. Ovenden and S.W. Rienstra, RANA 02-26

    Two Forms of the Rotational Solution for Wave Propagation Inside Porous Channels, AIAA 2002-2985 of the 3rd AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 24–26 June 2002, by Joseph Majdalani and Sjoerd W. Rienstra.

    Webster's Horn Equation Revisited, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 65(6), p.1981-2004, 2005.
    Originally: paper AIAA 2002-2520 of the 8th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference in Breckenridge, Colorado, USA, 17-19 June 2002.

    Two Asymptotic Forms of the Rotational Solution for Wave Propagation Inside Viscous Channels with Transpiring Walls, by Joseph Majdalani and Sjoerd W. Rienstra, Q. Jl. Mech. Appl. Math. 55(1), 2002, p.141-162

    A general acceleration method for the analysis of frequency selective surfaces, IWDE 02-02

    Leeftijd, Intermate Smoelenboek 2002 / ITW-Nieuws 11 Nr 4 (maart 2003) p 21


    Modeling Frequency Selective Surfaces with Multiple Metallization and Continuously Layered Dielectric Substrates, 24th ESTEC Antenna Workshop on Innovative Periodic Antennas : Photonic Bandgap, Fractal and Frequency Selective Structures. ESTEC, 30/05/2001-01/06/2001, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, by B.J. Morsink, S.W. Rienstra and A.G. Tijhuis

    A numerical comparison between multiple-scales and finite-element solution for sound propagation in lined flow ducts, with Walt Eversman, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 437, 2001, p.367-384

    In-Duct and Radiation Matching Strategies, with X. Zhang (ISVR), RANA 01-10

    A Classification of Duct Modes Based on Surface Waves, AIAA 2001-2180 of 7th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference in Maastricht, The Netherlands, 28-30 May 2001. RANA 01-09.
    Wave Motion, 37, p.119-135, 2003 (including the typographical error in Eq. 4 that the Wave Motion editorial staff, even after many many attempts, was not able to correct. So much for "waves" in the name.)

    Boekbespreking "K. Naugolnykh and L. Ostrovsky - Nonlinear Wave Processes in Acoustics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998", Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5/2 nr. 2 juni 2001, p.177.

    Geen Formules, ITW-Nieuws jaargang 11 Nr 1 (maart 2001) p 15

    Analytical Approximations to the Viscous Glass Flow Problem In The Mould-Plunger Pressing Process, Including an Investigation of Boundary Conditions, with T.D. Chandra, Journal of Engineering Mathematics Vol.39, March 2001, p.241-259

    De vliegtuigmotor: efficiënter = stiller, maar hoe lang nog (Congres Geluid & Trillingen, 7-8 november 2001)


    Cut-on, Cut-off Transition of Sound in Slowly Varying Flow Ducts, contribution to the David Crighton memorial issue van Aerotecnica Missili E Spazio (Journal of the Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica AIDAA) Volume 79, No 3-4, July-December 2000, p.93-96. Also: RANA Report 01-14.

    Ice formation on Aircraft Wings, with L.H. Wiryanto, MIHMI Journal of Indonesian Mathematical Society 6(4), 13-30, 2000

    Lecture Series Noise of Turbomachines Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Feb. 14-17 2000
    Theory of sound propagation and attenuation in lined aero-engine flow ducts

    A Gasdynamic-Acoustic Model of a Bird Scare Gun, Contribution to book edited by Alistair Fitt (Southampton) and Ellis Cumberbatch (Claremont, CA) Mathematical Modeling: Case Studies from Industry Cambridge University Press, 2000

    Redactioneel ITW-Nieuws jaargang 9 Nr 3-4 (maart 2000) p 3, met Jaap Molenaar

    Het Jaar 2000 een Halve Eeuw Geleden, ITW-Nieuws jaargang 10 Nr 2 (september 2000) p 6


    A numerical comparison between multiple-scales and FEM solution for sound propagation in lined flow ducts, with Walt Eversman, AIAA 99-1821 5th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Seattle 10-12 May 1999, also: RANA 99-10.

    Redactioneel ITW-Nieuws jaargang 9 Nr 2 (september 1999) p 3

    Sound Transmission in Slowly Varying Flow Ducts: (1) the Hydrodynamic Mode; (2) Reflection at a Turning Point. Contribution to Forum Acusticum 99, Berlin, 14-19 March 1999

    Schiphol en het geluid: groei per dB, voordracht Nationale Wiskunde Dagen 5+6 Feb 1999, reprise 4+5 Feb 2000

    Sound transmission in slowly varying circular and annular ducts with flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 380, p.279-296, 1999

    Redactioneel ITW-Nieuws jaargang 8 Nr 4 (januari 1999) p 3


    Sound Transmission In Slowly Varying Circular And Annular Ducts With Flow, AIAA-98-2311 4th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference Toulouse 2-4 June 1998. A Collection of Technical Papers p.637-646.

    Redactioneel ITW-Nieuws jaargang 8 Nr 2 (juli 1998) p 3

    Sound transmission in slowly varying circular and annular ducts with flow RANA 98-06 (March 1998)

    Aeroacoustics Research in Europe: The CEAS-ASC Report on 1997 Highlights, Journal of Sound and Vibration 214(1) p.139-164, 1998. Aerotecnica Missili e Spazio 77 (1-2) pp. 37-52, 1998 Ingenieria Aeronautica y Astronautica.

    The Acoustic Radiation Of Baffled Finite Ducts With Vibrating Walls, A.H.W.M. Kuijpers, S.W. Rienstra, G.Verbeek, J.W. Verheij. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 216(3), 24 September, 1998, p.461-493

    Sound Transmission Through A Periodic Cascade With Application To Drill Pipes, with N.J.C. Lous and I.J.B.F. Adan, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103 (5), pt1, May 1998, p.2302-2311


    The Dynamics Of A Suspended Pipeline In The Limit Of Vanishing Stiffness, RANA 97-09, with Corinna Bahriawati

    Analytical Approximations to the Viscous Glass Flow Problem In The Mould-Plunger Pressing Process, RANA 97-08, with T.Daniel Chandra. Presented at the Glass Day, October 1997, Kaiserslautern

    The Problem of a Pipeline Suspended across a Submarine Ravine, MIHMI Journal of Indonesian Mathematical Society 3(2), 1997, p.35-42, with Corinna Bahriawati

    Geometrical effects in a Joule heating problem from miniature soldering, Journal of Engineering Mathematics 31, 1997, p.59-80


    Interview met Hendrik Casimir, Sjoerd Rienstra en Jaap Molenaar, ITW-Nieuws jaargang 6 Nr 1 (maart 1996) p 5

    Thin Layer Flow Along Arbitrary Curved Surfaces, Proceedings of ICIAM '95, 3rd Int. Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, July '95 (special issue of ZAMM Applied Sciences - Especially Mechanics, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1996): Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Volume 76 Supplement 5, 1996, p. 423-424. Also as: IWDE report 95-07 (TUE). Fotos: flat surface, cylindrical surface.


    Een model voor het DAZON vogelschrikkanon, met J.H.M. ten Thije Boonkkamp, A.A.F. van de Ven, 1995, IWDE report 95-06

    Rondom het IWDE, met J.Molenaar, J. Spoelstra, A.A.F. van de Ven, 1995, IWDE report 95-02


    On a Heating Problem in Miniature Soldering, 1994, IWDE report 94-06 (TUE)

    Elements of Aero-Acoustics, with A. Hirschberg, Lecture Notes of Von Karman Lecture Series 1994-04 (TUE)

    Code voor Positionering van een As, with A. van Tilborg, F.C. Bussemaker, 1994, IWDE report 94-02 (TUE)


    A Note on the Excess Heat Generated by a Right-angled Thermode, 1993, IWDE report 93-07 (TUE)


    Een Voorstudie voor de Mogelijke Berekening van de Windlast op Luchtroosters, 1992, IWDE report 92-10 (TUE)

    A Multiple Scales, Modal Expansion Solution For The Acoustical Detection Of Obstructions In A Coal Gasification Exhaust Pipe, 1992, IWDE report 92-07 (TUE)

    An Introduction To Acoustics, with A. Hirschberg (lecture notes), 1992, IWDE report 92-06 (TUE). Extended and improved reprints: June 1997, May 1994, January 1999

    Acoustical Detection Of Obstructions In A Pipe With A Temperature Gradient, Proceedings arising from the Symposium on Topics in Engineering Mathematics, originally planned for June 29 - July 4 1992 Surabya, editors A.H.P. van der Burgh and J. Simonis, 1992, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

    Problems in Applied, Industrial and Engineering Mathematics, edited by H.K. Kuiken and S.W. Rienstra. 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht/Boston/London, ISBN 0-7923-1680-0

    A Note On The Kutta Condition In Glauert's Solution Of The Thin Aerofoil Problem, 1992, J. Engineering Mathematics, 26, 61-69


    Akoestisch Sorteren Van Mosselen, 1991, IWDE report 91-03 (TUE)

    The Coupling Of Acoustical Membrane And Cavity Vibrations, Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Mathematics in Industry, June 6-9 1990 Lahti, Edited by M. Heiliö, 1991, Kluwer Academic Publishers and B.G. Teubner Stuttgart, 339-344


    The Shape Of A Sessile Drop For Small And Large Surface Tension, 1990, J. Engineering Mathematics 24, 193-202 .   Matlab-routine

    Non-Linear Free Vibrations Of Coupled Spans Of Suspended Cables, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Mathematics in Industry, August 27-31 1988 Glasgow, Edited by J. Manley et al., 1990, Kluwer Academic Publishers and B.G. Teubner Stuttgart, 133-144

    Numerical Calculations Of The Deformation Of End-supported Pressure Rollers, Theory And Program Description, met H. Willemsen, 1990, IWDE report 90-04 (TUE)


    Acoustics Of A Kettledrum, 1989, IWDE report 89-10 (TUE) .   Software

    Wervelgeluid En Pulserende Stromingen, with A. Hirschberg, 1989, IWDE report 89-08 (TUE)

    Estimation Of The Distribution Of Extreme Responses To Random Seas Of Offshore Structures, with H.N. Linssen, 1989, IWDE report 89-03 (TUE)


    A Non-Linear Theory Of Free Vibrations Of Single And Coupled Suspended Elastic Cables, 1988, WD report 88-06 (KUN)

    On An Offshore Pipelaying Problem, met R.M.M. Mattheij, 1987, Proceedings Conference 'Mathematics In Industry', ESMI II, March 1-7, 1987 Oberwolfach, Edited by H. Neunzert, 1988, Kluwer Academic Publishers and B.G. Teubner Stuttgart, 38-55

    Sound Transmission In A Slowly Varying Lined Flow Duct, Nieuw Archief Voor Wiskunde 1988, 4de serie, deel 6, No.1-2, 157-167

    1-D Reflection At An Impedance Wall, J. Sound Vibration 1988, 125(1), 43-51


    Analytical Approximations For Offshore Pipelaying Problems, Proceedings ICIAM 87 (Contributions From The Netherlands), Paris-La Villette 29/6-3/7 1987, CWI Tract 36, 99-108

    The Acoustics Of A Lined Duct With Flow, 1987, NLR TR 87002


    Note On d^n(mod q) And An Amusing Result For Trigonometric Functions,1986, WD 86-05 (KUN)

    A Table Of Zero's Of J'm(x)Y'm(xh) - Y'm(x)J'm(xh) For 0_h<1, 0_m_29, 1986, NLR TR 86021

    Ongewone Modes In Een Kanaal Met Impedantiewand, Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap, Publikatie nr.80, februari 1986


    Hydrodynamic Instabilities And Surface Waves In A Flow Over An Impedance Wall, Proceedings IUTAM Symposium 'Aero- And Hydro-acoustics' 1985 Lyon, 1986, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg

    Acoustic Calculations For The Inlet Liner Of The Rolls-Royce Tay Engine On The Fokker 100 Aircraft, 1985, NLR TR 85125

    Note On The Kutta Condition In Glauert's Series Solution Of The Thin Airfoil Problem, 1985, NLR MP 85002

    Contributions To The Theory of Sound Propagation in Ducts With Bulk-Reacting Lining, J. Acoustical Soc. Am. 1985, 77(5), 1681-1685


    Acoustic Radiation From A Semi-Infinite Annular Duct In A Uniform Subsonic Mean Flow, J. Sound Vibration 1984, 94(2), 267-288.   Matlab-routines for the solution of the present article.


    A Study On The Transmission Of Sound Through Flow Ducts Of Varying Cross Section, 1983, NLR TR 83128

    Analysis Of The Near And Far Field Of Sound Generated By Propellers With Or Without The Presence Of A Fuselage, 1983, NLR TR 83108

    A Small Strouhal Number Analysis For Acoustic Wave - Jet Flow - Pipe Interaction, J. Sound Vibration 1983, 86(4), 539-556


    On The Acoustical Implications Of Vortex Shedding From An Exhaust Pipe, J. Engin. Industry (ASME) 1981, 103, 378-384, (corr. p.112, 104, 1982)

    Sound Diffraction At A Trailing Edge, J. Fluid Mech. 1981, 108, 443-460


    PhD: Edge Influence On The Response Of Shear Layers To Acoustic Forcing, THE 1979, supervisors: prof. G. Vossers and prof. D.G. Crighton

    Problem Section of "Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde"
    SIAM Review Problems and Solutions