status 23-12-2021 : changed all "pulse" to "impulse" where it relates to delta-function status 07-12-2021 : p. 260, 261: error corrected in (9.2-4) and a confusing notation changed status 05-11-2021 : p.62, Chapter 3: exercise n) added p.318: answer p.308, Appendix F: external sources added in (F.1,2,3) and (F.7,8,9a,b,c) status 02-10-2021 : p.275, 276: added (A12.b), (A12.l) status 07-03-2021 : Sections 8.6 and 8.7: new figures status 10-01-2021 : Section C.3.1, some slight changes of notation. status 13-11-2020 : p.212, a remark (footnote 9) on the reflection matrix status 22-10-2020 : Section 9.2, a little detailing of (9.16) and (9.17) status 17-10-2020 : Section 7.9, remade figures 7.17 and 7.18. status 01-10-2020 : Completely renewed section on mode matching: "7.8 Reflection and transmission". Note that all following pages have been moved up. status 07-07-2020 : Section 8.9: loose ends removed. Example added. status 28-11-2019 : p.170, section 7.7.4: remark for r_0=0. status 11-08-2019 : p.157, Eq. (7.26): a little detailing of the behaviour of the mode. status 02-08-2018 : p.47, Fig. 3.5: a simple realisation of the important square root is given in the caption of the figure. status 12-05-2018 : p.214, eq (9.2)-(9.4): chosen P-G transformation in time and frequency domain were slightly incompatible. p.216, fig 9.1: some labels added. status 17-12-2017 : p.160-161, eq (7.36) status 17-11-2017 : p.217, 280: reference 124 added p.175, 279: reference 114 added status 12-04-2017 : p.221, eq (9.26): error corrected. p.281, p.40: reference 140 added status 08-08-2016 : p.173, eq (7.73) and (7.74): a minus sign status 06-08-2016 : p.32, Exercise k; p.213, Exercise e. status 05-05-2016 : p.40, section 3.2.3, eq 3.39: on a friction term in impedance models status 02-03-2015 : p.14, eq 2.24: warning not to differentiate velocity status 26-01-2015 : ref. 221, exercise 2j status 31-03-2014 : 2nd derivative in eq (2.65) eq(7.6) (p.150): slightly adapted introduction of duct modes status 30-01-2014 : hyperref added status 14-12-2013 : 7.6 (p.162) footnote added for if mode is pressureless status 03-12-2013 : errors in (6.10) and (6.19). status 26-08-2013 : some editing + Besselfunction identities added status 31-12-2012 1.2 p 5 : eq. 1.25 further developed A p 225 : A.4 added status 09-12-2012 C.1 p 227-228 : corrections and uniformisation of more-dimensional Fourier transform and Hankel transform status 27-10-2012 7.9 p 173 eq 7.75 : mu/nu typo 8.3 p 187 eq 8.42,43,44,45, fig 8.2: |A_0| status 19-10-2012 1.2 p 5 eq 1.25 : correction 5.2.3 p 102 eqs. 5.34+5.37 : nabla -> nabla^2; reference to Melling added 8.7 p 199 : a remark about "effective sound speed" status 21-05-2012 corrected derivation of eq. (4.79), p.78, and some sign corrections (p.77 line 1, p.78 2nd half of page) status 15-01-2012 A considerable refurbishment on many points: - a wider page size - an improved treatment of the Helmholtz resonator - a nonlinear solutions for the forced Helmholtz resonator - complete treatment of rays in linearly varying sound speed - extra exercises - consistent treatment of plane wave reflection and transmission on horizontal walls and interfaces. - new figure 7.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2.5 p 56 eqs.3.39+3.40 : dot nabla in Myers formula's: ...- n_S \cdot (n_S \cdot \nabla v_0))... 5.1 p 121 : Biot-Savart 7.1 p 197 : k_{m\mu} == \sqrt{ --> = 7.5 p 210,342 + 3.2.6 p 58 : references to Rienstra 7.8, p 222,340 : references to Munt 8 xcs c) p 268 : generalized Webster's equations F.2.5 p 319 : generalized convected wave equation C2.5 p 298 : erroneous FT of cotg 7.1 p 200 : phase and group velocity under chapter of Fourier Transforms p 0 : missing Preface included (with corresponding references!) F2 p 317-318 : some improvements and corrections F.2.2 p 318 : paragraph on acoustic energy 2.5 p 26 eq 2.49d : missing term 8.6-8.7 p 246-251 : bring unity in notation 8.1.1 p 230 : Webster's equation + references C.3 p 303 : Fourier series examples: x=m (m in Z) 3.3.1 p 60 : remark on complex \alpha 3.2.5 p 56 : other forms of Myers boundary condition 2.3.1 p 21 : Poisson ratio --> specific-heat ratio 2.3.1 p 22 : Poisson constant --> specific-heat ratio F.1 p 316 : Poisson ratio --> specific-heat ratio p 329 : Poisson ratio --> specific-heat ratio 7.6.3 p 214 : Soffrin -> Sofrin Ch 7 p 196 : revised introduction duct acoustics 3.2.5 p 56 : improved: other forms of Myers boundary condition C 3 p 304 : definition of "piecewise smooth" 3.2.3 p 53 : cot(omega L /c_0) in stead of cot(omega L) 7.7 p 222, p 343 : reference to Wu F.2.1 p 317 : better derivation of inviscid eqns. C.1.1 p 290 : slightly sharper formulation causality theorem 7.4 p 209 : special case of plane wave 6.3 p 170-175 : rewritten discussion on multipole expansion Ch 7 p 196 : bi-orthogonality of duct modes App D : Some new Besselfunction asymptotics Ch 9 : added: plane waves and edge diffraction Ch 3 p 52 : causality condition impedance App F.1, F.2, F.3 : initial conditions entropy 3.2.5 : reference to Ingard 7.7.4 p 222 : point source in a lined flow duct (Green's function) 7.7.4 p 222,224,225 : some corrections 2.5 p 28 : correction in eq. 2.49d 7.5 p 213 : a note on flow effects on duct modes 2.6.1 p 29 : F \propto q instead of F = q 9.1.3 p 281 : R > \infty corrected into R -> \infty 7.7.4 p 225 : p_m is not continuous in (x,r)=(x_0,r_0), but diverges there. D p 323 eqs D34+35 : cos and sin interchanged 1.2 p 10 footnote 13 : bracket (7.42) p 214 : editorial changes (7.49) p 215 : rephrased expression (with thanks to Jean-Pierre Coyette) (7.50) p 216 : missing modulus signs (with thanks to Jean-Pierre Coyette) (7.9) p 234 : extra exercise G p 347 : extra solution G p 338 line 1 ; Chapter 3 G p 338 line 28 ; corrected font (7.5) p 213 line 7 : (1-M^2) instead of sqrt(1-M^2) (7.5) p 213 line 8 : than instead of that (C.2.4) p 307 Thm C.2 : reference to [88,p.84]